Palm Sunday

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Choir Cantata


during the 8:45 and 11:00 am worship services

Easter Sunday

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Youth Spring Retreat

This year's Presbytery-wide Youth Retreat will be hosted by First Presbyterian Church of Delray! We'll leave Friday by 5:00 pm and spend the weekend learning, growing, and playing on the beach. Sign up with Pastor Hallie ASAP, as space is limited. Cost: $30 per youth (includes meals, transportation and lodging). If you are already signed […]

Seraphic Fire-Bach & Mahler-SANC


Patrick Dupre Quigley, joined by Metropolitan Opera star tenor Bryan Hymel, legendary mezzo-soprano Susanne Mentzer, and rising young baritone Dashon Burton, explores the haunting emotions contained within Bach's Ich Habe Genug and Wolfgang Rihm's intimate re-orchestration of Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde. Bach and Mahler, like no other composers, were able to capture a […]


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