Palm/Passion Sunday
Musical Cantata In My Place with the Sanctuary Choir, Handbell Choir and special musicians.nChildren will process with Palms and fish coin banks.n
Musical Cantata In My Place with the Sanctuary Choir, Handbell Choir and special musicians.nChildren will process with Palms and fish coin banks.n
Choir Cantata, In My Place. Contemporary music by Sanctuary Choir, soloists and instrumentalists: a musical journey from the shouts of Hosanna to Christ's crucifixion.
All are invited to join. The movie is rated R for the amount of violence it depicts.
Passover Seder and Holy Communion Service.nPastor Rose has prepared a modified Seder, including portions of the ancient liturgy and the symbolic foods. The hour concludes with the celebration of the Lord's Supper.
10:00 am Brunch in Fellowship Halln10:30-2:00 pm Community Service event in Overtown (Paint mural)n6:00 pm Soup Dinner (prepared by Jeanne Sapp)-in Fellowship Halln7:00 pm Good Friday Worship Service (Rev. Hallie preaching)-in Chapel
We welcome you to join us on Sundays for worship and to experience the loving invitation of Jesus Christ.
6:45 am, Sunrise Service, front lawn of church; Dudley's message, Easter Smiles.n7:30 am, Breakfast, Fellowship Hall.n10:00 am-10:45 am, Children's Easter Egg Hunt, Memorial Garden.n11:00 am Sanctuary Service; Dudley's message, Now Playing in Galilee; brass and choirs.