Palm Sunday Cantata

Choir Cantata, In My Place. Contemporary music by Sanctuary Choir, soloists and instrumentalists: a musical journey from the shouts of Hosanna to Christ's crucifixion.


Fellowship Hall

Passover Seder and Holy Communion Service.nPastor Rose has prepared a modified Seder, including portions of the ancient liturgy and the symbolic foods. The hour concludes with the celebration of the Lord's Supper.


McArthur Chapel

10:00 am Brunch in Fellowship Halln10:30-2:00 pm Community Service event in Overtown (Paint mural)n6:00 pm Soup Dinner (prepared by Jeanne Sapp)-in Fellowship Halln7:00 pm Good Friday Worship Service (Rev. Hallie preaching)-in Chapel

No Early Worship Service

McArthur Chapel

We welcome you to join us on Sundays for worship and to experience the loving invitation of Jesus Christ.

Easter Sunday

6:45 am, Sunrise Service, front lawn of church; Dudley's message, Easter Smiles.n7:30 am, Breakfast, Fellowship Hall.n10:00 am-10:45 am, Children's Easter Egg Hunt, Memorial Garden.n11:00 am Sanctuary Service; Dudley's message, Now Playing in Galilee; brass and choirs.

Easter Sunrise Service

Casual dress welcomenEaster songs . . . scripture . . . prayers . . . Dudley's message, Easter SmilesnIf you prefer sitting, please bring a lawn chairnBreakfast, 7:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall nChildren's Easter Egg Hunt, 10:00-10:45 am, Memorial Gardennn


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